I snapped this shot on my way to ESL Certification class in Istanbul, Turkey. I honestly can't recall if I saw the juxtaposition before or after the shot.
Wow, has this ever been a journey. I think I finally have my website back online and in 80% working order. I changed web hosting services over a year ago and lost my entire website in what was a failed transfer process. I know just enough about computer hardware and software to give me the courage to get into this kind of trouble. No, I don’t ever ask for directions when I’m not, well usually not. This site has basically been a placeholder until I could find the time to relearn WordPress, without shelling out for all the “pro” versions. It seems they are making it harder to develop your own website for the lower cost options so that you have to shell out even more money. Or maybe I have just gotten less competent. I’m sure it’s the first option. To end my rant, these are not one-time costs. You have to renew most everything annually. This website is not designed to be a money-making venture, so I can not justify all the extra cost to save time.
If you like this site, I hope you consider donating before watching the film to help defray annual upkeep costs. There is a page that pops up prior to watching the documentary. My time is free!